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Like watching a Rube Goldberg machine

An earlier post from this blog was covered in WIRED magazine's website yesterday and has proven pretty poopular, I mean POPular.  When I checked in this morning it had been tweeted over 300 times and stimultaed an interesting discussion on their comments page about zoos and aquariums with respect to the size of the animals being kept.  Watching how a story which had attracted a few dozen hits here spreading out from a major news source by Digg and Reddit and Twitter is like watching some kind of scoial Rube Goldberg machine unfolding its wacky design in front of you; its a fascinating experiment in social media.  Here's some of the Tweets and comments that made me smile:

"OK, nobody go into the Gulf of Mexico for a while…" (tah22400, on Wired)
"that is a really big Baby Ruth!" (Samagon, on Wired)
“Well…shit” (Delahaya, on Wired)
"Activities at the 'other' end are equally behemoth" (g1t0 on Twitter)
"This is why I dont swim behind ANYTHING" (SurferDave2010 on Twitter)
"Science finally getting its priorities straight" (will tan on Twitter)
"Poop jokes never get old" (SIlverAntigen on Twitter)

Play Bit-o-Critter, round 28

In this weeks Bit-o-Critter, where the aim of the game is to guess the animal from the excerpt shown, we have two invertebrates, one of which was proposed by last weeks winner, David Gross.  I need the correct answer for both animals, in the same comment, for you to be declared the winner.  If you give away one, you just made it easier for someone else. OK, here we go:





Shark Week is here

In the past I've had mixed feelings about Discovery Channel's "shark week".  Its great for raising the   profile of our toothy friends, but it has tended to dwell on the gory or sensationalist stuff in the past.  This year, though, they seem to be pushing the conservation and science end of things a bit more, which of course makes me happy.  Georgia Aquarium (my employer) is their partner this year on the website, and they are featuring the web cam from our Ocean Voyager exhibit, which houses manta rays, whale sharks, lots of other sharks and a great teleost (finfish) collection too.  They're also hosting website Q&A with aquarium shark experts (tonights is at 10PM) after each premier on the TV channel, and vignettes from life working with sharks at the aquarium, including a couple of my lab-coated self.

So if you're into sharks, check it out.  And if you don't totally dig sharks - well, what's wrong with ya? 


Five things you can do to help the oceans today


There's a seemingly endless stream of negative news floating around about how bad a state the world's oceans are in.  Sure, there are problems, but the oceans are FAR from trashed, no matter what you hear.  There's plenty of beautiful places to visit and there's still millions of animals and plants that happily make the seas their home.  We certainly aren't going to engender a desire to preserve these wild places if we keep talking about it like its a lost cause.  In fact, during the oil spill crisis that has occupied us over the last 3 months, I have become progressively more fed-up with the doomsayers in the media, the blogosphere and the twitosphere; none of that bile actually helps (I would include the first paragraph of my own post here).  So, in partial celebration of moving to a new domain, and because I am feeling especially optimistic today, here's 5 ideas for how you can help the oceans, right now.

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recyle.  OK, that sounds like 3 things, but it just means scale back the impact of your consurmerism.  A lot of waste finds its way into the sea eventually, either as visible pollution or as chemical leachates.  Don't freak out about every piece of garbage you throw out - you're a resident of this planet too and you can't avoid having some impact.  Just see if you can find some "low hanging fruit": easy places where you can make a big dent in your waste stream with relatively little effort.  Start with fabric shopping bags, buy drygoods in bulk to reduce packaging, and recycle green waste as compost for the garden. 

2. Cut your emissions.  I don't mean lay off the beans, I'm talking about your carbon footprint.  A recent IPCC report states that 90% of global warming in the last 50 years has been absorbed by the oceans.  And the heat contained in the oceans is the major driver of global climate patterns.  Global warming is therefore an ocean problem, moreso than an atmosphere problem.  If you can cut your carbon footprint, of which gas consumption tends to be a big chunk, then you can make a real difference.  If you have to commute, try ridesharing or see if you can find a colleague who lives nearby, and take turns driving.

3. Offset some inconsiderate so-and-so.  Take a lead from Sarah at the blog WaterNotes, and clean something up, whether its a beach or wetland or a marina; she's cleaned literally tons of garbage single handed, a little at a time.  If you're inland, clean a stream, after all, everything flows to the ocean in time.  Don't let the inconsiderate scumbags win!

4. Birds of a feather. Join an advocacy group that promotes ocean interests, like Surfrider or Oceana; volunteer to help out.  Make your voice heard with legislators at every level.  Visit your local AZA Aquarium (they all have conservation as part of their mandate).  Surround yourself with folks who share your passion and feel the reciprocal encouragement that results.

5. Stay positive.  Keep an optimistic outlook and know that you can make a difference.  I am not suggesting for a second that we ignore or downplay the threats that face the oceans.  Far from it; I am sugesting we use those very problems as motivations to recognise the value of what we have and take positive actions to protect it.  Don't give in to negativity, its pernicious but also, ultimately, a complete waste of time.  If you feel your will sagging, go and relax for a day at the beach, go SCUBA diving or take a trip to a coral reef; these "services" are part of what makes ocean habitats so special, and reconnecting with them will energise you to appreciate how valuable they truly are.  I know it certainly does for me.


Welcome to the new DeepTypeFlow!

If you've found this page, it means you successfully made the change from my old home at Blogger, or you found it independently through some other connection.  Either way, welcome.  I look forward to your feedback on the new layout.  There's a lot more flexibility with hosting your own domain too, so if there's things you'd like to see here, let me know and we'll see if we can make it happen.  Now, back to the program already in progress...


Illustrated humour device succinctly encapsulates the dysfunctional paradigm of science communication

If you don't subscribe to Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, its well worth it.  Today they tackle jargon (click for the rest) 


The solution to Bit-o-Critter round 27

The last BoC was a triple header from previous winner Sarah F. and you had to get 2/3 scientific names correct.  David Gross was the first to do that, correctly identifying the first as a reticulated brittle star Ophionereis reticulata and the third as a flamingo tongue snail Cyphoma gibbosum

Nobody got the third one, which was a fireworm, Hermodice carunculata.  That's one of very few BoC's that has never been solved


If you have to go, go big!

When you want to learn about the biology of a charismatic species, any species really, sometimes you end up learning about the grosser side of life too.  Thats kind of how I came to take this picture last week in Mexico, where I and several others from the team at Georgia Aquarium have been doing research on whale sharks lately (see several other blog posts heareabouts).  It was taken during an aerial survey we did from an altitude of 1,500 ft in a Cessna 206 and shows a whale shark that has just defecated.  Now, whale sharks tend to do everything on a giant scale, so perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised, but I estimate the animal to be between 8 and 11m (25-35ft) in length and so, based on that estimate, thats a cloud of poo behind him thats over 30ft in diameter!  Its unusual to see wild sharks in the act of pooping, but this group of animals was so numerous and feeding so heavily, that you could actually see several clouds like this at any given time.  Whats feeding heavily got to do with it?  Well, unlike mammals, which tend to have a relatively fixed gut passage time for food, a lot of cold-blooded critters can, well, sort of push it out the back end, simply by pushing more in the front end.

Far from being a trivial observation of one of life's less savoury moments, it could actually become a really important research opportunity if we can manage to catch some of that magical egesta in a container of some sort, for analysis back at the lab.   Scientists can do all sorts of stuff with poo, like looking for parasite eggs or other pathogens, sequencing the DNA of both the shark and its prey species, or comparing nutrient values of food (from plankton tows) and comparing them to values from faeces to work out how much nutrition they are gaining from their food.  Its a great way to learn a lot in a short time and do it in a totally non-invasive way.

Mostly though, its a cool photo to gross people out at parties...


No ban for Southern New England lobstering

In an earlier post I mentioned a proposal to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission by its lobster science committee to ban lobstering in Southern New England (i.e. south of Cape Cod) for 5 years to allow the fishery to recover.  Not surprisingly, that proposal has been rejected.  An alternative motion proposing that the commission "consider" either a 75% cut in allowable landings, or a 50% cut, or no cut at all, was approved.  Well hey, thats a nice clear path forward now, isnt it?

These events continue to highlight the tremendous complexity and difficulty of successfully managing modern fisheries.  Its easy to blame the committee for being indecisive, but the truth is that when you're faced with making decisions about someone's livelihood, and they start using phrases like "The moratorium was the bullet in a gun that was pointed to our head," and "A poison pill has been put in front of us", then making decisions purely on the science isn't so easy.  This, then, is annoying to the scientists who work hard to provide the best evidence possible to help make good decisions, only to see their data dismissed or disregarded because of more anthropocentric considerations.  Throw in a healthy dose of regulatory red tape and the poor managers just can't win.

I guess its one of those situations where when everyone is miserable, you probably made the best decision, but it may well mean the slow death of a long-troubled fishery (no matter how rosy picture the fishers want to portray).  One day I expect to look back at this post and fondly remember when we had a lobster fishery south of Cape Cod.  On that day, the shifting baseline strikes again.


Dancing with a Giant

A lot of people think science is soulless, sterile or austere in its objectivity; there’s a prevalent stereotype of the scientist as a lab nerd in a white coat, out of touch with the “real world” and with the more emotive aspects of life. That couldn’t be further from the truth, of course. Most scientists I know – me included - are motivated precisely by a profound wonder and amazement for the natural world around them; its usually why they get into science in the first place. When biologists go into the field, they often end up reconnecting with those feelings, established during their formative years, and end up resorting to a sort of childish state of pure joy over whatever biological phenomenon that they happen to be studying. I just had such an experience, one that was so extraordinary that it may well have changed the way I think about biology forever.

As part of the research program at Georgia Aquarium, we are in Mexico to study the biology of whale sharks, which gather annually in the coastal waters of Quintana Roo, from Isla Mujeres north and west to Isla Holbox. Its bliss just to be out on the water again (its been a while), admiring the everchanging seascape, marveling at the myriad forms of life that make their home in the ocean, and reminding yourself that the endless stream of doom and gloom news about “the environment” isn’t really the full picture. Flying fish skip from wave crest to wave crest, pursued by sinister-looking frigate birds that swoop in to grab them on the wing, while turtles lazily periscope their heads above the surface to spy on pods of spotted dolphins that race around as if there were somewhere important that they really needed to be.

In due time, we found our objective, a group of whale sharks feeding at the surface, attended by a flotilla of ecotourist boats. Each of our team had a chance to swim alongside these spectacular behemoths as they were cruising effortlessly among the boats and patches of food, at speeds that exhausted a mere human to match.  We also photographed many of them for an identification database.  Then we took some time to gather data on the physical and chemical properties of the water, during which the ecotour boats petered away, returning their cargo of tourists to their respective all-inclusives in time for lunch and leaving us with the whale sharks mostly to ourselves. They continued to feed, constantly inhaling bathtubs of plankton from the surface tension, their gills flapping loosely on the rejected water current like flags in a gentle breeze.

It was at this point that I got in the water a second time. Rafael, our captain and colleague from Project Domino, had put us on a large animal that was feeding below the surface in a more vertical pose than their normal surface “ram filtering” style. This more upright type of feeding, which they use when food is especially dense, sees their tail sink down towards the bottom and cease its rhythmic swinging and, hanging suspended like this, the animal begins to actively suck in enormous gulps of water. In this state I was able to approach the animal much more closely, a large male, and to see how each pulse of that fantastic mouth was pulling in not only water but tiny silver vortices of air down from the surface, such was the force of suction. He was suspended like this for what seemed like an eternity, but was realistically perhaps 15 or 20 minutes, during which he continued to feed and appeared completely indifferent to my presence. I was able to swim over every part of his massive frame and inspect every detail, from his tremendous girth to the creamy white belly distended with food, and from the remoras that pestered his every fin to the tiny copepod parasites grazing across his skin like herds of hoofstock might roam a savannah.  His body was home to a veritable community of hangers-on. I watched his eye roll carelessly over me while he continued to inhale vast amounts of water and plankton, all of which disappeared into that cavernous mouth with its 20 jet-black filtering pads. We continued to dance together like this – or rather I danced around him - close enough that I could have reached out to touch him at any point, until with a tiny shake of his head and a hefty sweep of his tail he was done with the meal and headed off in search of another patch to vacuum, leaving me breathless from a cocktail equal parts exertion and exhilaration.

Back on the boat I did my best to relay to the others what I had just experienced. Despite apparently talking “a mile a minute”, I struggled to find the right words, but they were probably unnecessary anyway. Certainly everyone who had been in the water with the animals that day had experienced many of the same feelings, and I am sure they were writ large on my face (in big black and white spotted letters!). In swimming with this one particular animal, I experienced a profound connection with a truly spectacular natural phenomenon, one that will provide ample motivation to continue the search for a better understanding of the nature of such things, for long into the future.  These are the moments that launch and tie together a career in biology, and that was the best one I have ever had.


The latest from the Whale Shark Festival in Isla Mujeres

I am down here with other folks from the aquarium as well as other scientists, government folks and ecotour operators for the 3rd annual Whale Shark Festival in the beautiful Yucatan location of Isla Mujeres.  Here's some short videos that might give you the flavour of whats been going on.

Here's Beatrix and Rafael de la Parra from Proyecto Domino explaining the importance to Isla Mujeres of whale shark movements to and from Utila in Honduras.  The audience is mostly ecotour operators and members of the public.  Bob Hueter from Mote spoke about threats to whale sharks, while Darcy Bradley from ECOCEAN talked about their program and I chimed in for a talk on whale shark research at Georgia Aquarium

Check out this inflatable whale shark from the festival parade - that thing is made of awesome!  Later that night they illuminated it from the inside and it watched over the stage show and the Ms Whale Shark awards, where they elected a grandma as queen of the festival!

This is Teatro del Mar, and educational puppet show that Amigos de Isla Contoy have shown to thousands of school kids to improve ocean literacy.  The kids were completely rapt!

And I couldn't resist putting in this clip of turtle hatchlings at the state run hatchery in Isla Mujeres.  There's a lot of problems there with beach erosion and disturbance, so when turtles nest, they excavate the eggs and bring them to the hatchery, where they have a cool fenced off area where the eggs are reburied and incubated until they hatch.  Warning, cuteness overload a distinct possibility...

You can follow along on Twitter too


Play Bit-o-Critter Round 27 - new and improved!

There's a new Bit-o-Critter rule in play - if you get it right, you get to pick the next round animal(s) and stump your colleagues.  Here's Sarah F.'s trio of selections, which she picked as her reward for getting round 26 correct.  Scientific names please.  First person to get 2/3 correct in a single comment wins.


Could it be? The END?

CNN is reporting that the new device put on the wellhead of the BP oil rig Deepwater Horizon appears to have stopped the leak and is holding under the pressure, at least for now.  Lets all cross fingers that this marks the end of major leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.


Fieldwork here we come!

Things will probably get a little irregular around here over the next couple of weeks.  I'm part of a group of Aquarium folks leaving for Mexico tomorrow to participate in the Whale Shark Festival on Isla Mujeres, just near Cancun, followed by some intensive field work with colleague Rafael de la Parra, who you may remember from previous posts.  We'll be tagging animals, photographing their spot patterns for the ECOCEAN project (their spots are like fingerprints!), collecting plankton samples and sampling the chemistry of the water to look for differences where they are feeding and where they are not.  I'll try to post some stuff as we go along, even if its only a picture or a video here and there (there wont be much time for writing, unless the weather closes us out)

All of this is part of our partnership called Project Domino, which aims to understand and protect whale sharks in Mexican waters.  Its bigger than that, however, because many of those same animals travel from the Yucatan to the Caribbean, the West Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico; sharks dont pay attention to sovereign borders.  Obviously concerns are running high for any animals that travel into the GoM, due to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.  Keep your fingers crossed that those animals avoid the affected area and that this latest attempt to cap the wellhead is successful.