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Entries in DSN (2)


Good news everyone! </Prof. Farnsworth>

I am excited to say that I will be joining the Deep Sea News network of marine science bloggers.  For those who are not familiar with DSN, they’ve been producing kick-butt marine science bloggy-type content since 2005 and are currently the most popular marine bio blog on the web and the only one listed in Google News.  Joining that community means I can work with some of the best mar-sci bloggers around and hopefully we all riff off each other to produce great content and host the sort of excellent discussions that I have always found so rewarding about blog audiences.  Its a sort of critical mass that’s much more manageable in a blog network than going solo.

I am going to hang onto this domain, because there will be times when I want to write about stuff that is not DSN material, so don’t drop this page from your feed reader just yet.

My first post is a general intro to the natural history of whale sharks and may be very familiar to folks who’ve followed this blog for a while.  Once its set up, I’ll post the link to RSS feed of my posts at DSN here.  But really, you should subscribe to ALL of DSN’s stuff, you can’t go wrong.


New DSN feed

For those of you like me who are hapless RSS junkies, here’s a link for my new feed at Deep Sea News and here’s the feed for ALL DSN content.  Go on, Google Reader beckons you, you know you want to…