A Parasite a Day, keeps the Doctor in pay
Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 10:00AM
My colleague Susan Perkins at AMNH has a most excellent blog that features a different parasite every day for a year. Since the oceans have more parasites than anywhere else by far, many of her feature critters are marine. Check out some of these marine beasties, then enjoy the rest of the collection. There's a new one every day.
Crepidostomum cooperi - a digenean (fluke) parasite of fish
Nasitrema globicephalae - a digenean parasite of the sinuses of whales
Cyamus ovalis - isopod parasites often called "whale lice"
Maritrema novaezealandensis - an important model digenean from New Zealand mudflat animals
Polypodium hydriforme - a weird parasitic jellyfish relative that lives on sturgeon eggs, and:
Dolops sp., - a type of Branchiuran (related to crustaceans) parasitic on piranha
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